FEED BACK: Planning of the Event SAMAs 18
On Monday, the 30th of April 2012, a well-known annual event SAMAs (South African Music Awards) was held at Sun City in Johannesburg. The event’s main sponsor is MTN.That is why it is called MTN SAMAs.
I am sure everybody in or from a public relations world will agree with me when I say organisations need to adapt or otherwise they will perish. Looking at the SAMAs event I could spot so many things which concluded that the organisation was not traditional marketing communication but integrated marketing communication.
Take a look at this (short summary of the SAMAs event planning)
Technological department avoided piracy
· Lights looking at the lights they were not there to provide the light or for decoration but for avoiding piracy (why am I saying that? Who would buy or record a video which has too much lights busy spinning around the stage? I mean it will be very blur and disturbing).
· Busy background during the performances by artist.
· Live cameras where not only focusing on artist ‘s performances but also the audiences.
· Little advertisements in between the live event show(e.g. nominees and those small talks about best nominated artists).
micasa performing on satge...and the busy background |
Entertainment department short highlights
The opening song by all the guest presenters, it was beautiful and so creative different from the previous SAMAs.
· Solly Mahlangu said "To all media houses, if it you do not play it they won’t hear it, if you don't show it they won’t see it ... thank you" this showed the importance of media.
· Zahara and MICASA collecting the awards...
From a public relations point of view, it is always our duty to get feedback from our target audiences. Although they are two kinds of feedback namely:
· Symmetrical feedback and
· Asymmetrical feedback
In symmetrical feedback, we get feedback immediately while in asymmetrical we get a delayed feedback.
In today’s issue, I would like us to give feedback about the event. How was their planning? Voice out your feelings.