Friday, 27 April 2012



Have you ever heard, seen or told more often(three to five times a day) about an event that is still to happen maybe in three or six months? Have you ever heard, or being told more often (everywhere you go) about an event that had happened maybe three or six years ago? The questions have you asked yourself why not?
In Public Relations we called that news worthy and currents events
News worthy is:
·        New news
·        Interesting news/entertaining
·        Very current
Take a look at this
South Africa observes the celebration of Human Rights Day on 21 of March to remember those who perished in the highly sensational event called Sharpeville Massacre that occurred on March 21, 1960.
South Africa Human Rights Day seeks to ascertain that the South Africans have developed an understanding of the various human rights they are entitled to and can protect themselves against human rights exploitation

 Have you heard more often about the human rights day the past last months? Comparing January to March about how often you heard about the human rights day and this April you will see that the frequency this month is very high. Why?
Because: human rights day is current and news worthy and this is what people would like to hear about this month. But you cannot come and publish events about human rights day in December, during Christmas festivals becauspeople want to hear about Father Christmas and bonuses during December times.
 What do you think news worthy enough?

Friday, 20 April 2012


As bloggers, there is one thing we have in common and it is not lack of quality sleep. I am sure we always want more, or at least wish for more subscribers, more comments, more followers, more pageviews, and more opportunities. But is that enough?
According to the IMC (integrated Market Communication) from a public relation point of view it is important to create and nourish stakeholder relationships.
We also have to migrate from:
·         transactions to relationships
·         customers to stakeholders
·         mass media to interactivity
And many more…My point is we are to create stakeholders, well done! That is what every blogger is aiming for (getting followers), BUT THAT IS NOT ENOUGH. We also need to nourish relationships with these stakeholders in these case, your stakeholders are your followers.
The question is how? If we want to say "I LOVE BLOGGING"

 then we must do the right thing when we are blogging, otherwise you will just create a BlogSpot and end up quitting on it.
 And the answer is…
We need to reply, comment back to your blog post. Let us not focus on our costumers(in this case, costumers are people who comment on your blog) only but even stakeholders(your followers) are important ,who said if they do not buy your product  today they will not buy it in future?(who said if they did not comment today they will never comment in future?).Let us keep the relationship going while creating other relationships. Let there be interactivity (dialogue), feedback and conversations between you and your flowers.
My point is why are we blogging if we are not meeting the simplest rule of blogging which is commeting or called interactivity(dialogue)?

Friday, 13 April 2012

red bull advertisement Jesus

According to Chris Moerdyk(coloumnist) Jesus is saving not selling
Chris Moerdyk
Advertising rule #1: Jesus saves not sell
"I have been watching with a mixture of amusement and frustration, public and advertising industry reaction to the Red Bull "Jesus Ad " saga. It's always the same thing - those who have little interest in religion tell Christians to get a life and not take things so seriously. Christians respond with a lot of huffing and puffing."(

Lets then look at The 5 steps of a Good Advertisement

Each step plays a specific role. As a marketer, you must always remember that you are the uninvited guest. People are busy, and don’t spend their time looking for advertisements

The first step is getting attention. This is the job of the headline.  A good headline will cause your target audience to stop and examine the rest of the ad. Think about old western movies with the snake-oil salesman, claiming a miracle tonic that can cure anything. These days people are looking for much more specific goods and services. Thus, the headline must be specific as well as attention-grabbing.

Second, a good ad shows the reader who has graciously allowed you a few moments of their precious time just how they will benefit from the product or service you are peddling. Note that I say show them the benefit, not the features. That comes later. Again, these benefits need to be geared specifically for your target audience.

Third, your ad must prove that these benefits must result from use of your product or service. This would be the time to introduce some key features, and explain how they will allow the user to realize the benefits you claimed possible. When it comes to this section, people like specifics. For example, don’t say “Realize gains of up to 50%!” do not use round “nice” numbers. Go with “Realize gains of up to 49.3%!”

Fourth, reinforce the benefits, and perhaps add some more. Give examples of what they could do with all the money you’re trying to save them, or all the time they’ll save by buying your widget or service.

Fifth, and finally, call for action. This is where your “Call Now" statement goes. Try to add a sense of urgency: “This deal only lasts til noon Friday!”

All good advertisements incorporate these 5 principles in some form or another, and any bad ad is usually bad because it has neglected some part of this pattern.(