Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Social media
Why research is crucial in every social campaign
Just because a certain social media channel works well for some businesses, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it will work for you. There are a thousands of social media channels available to us all. From blogging to Facebook, all of these channels are not created equally or for the same purpose. Wherever you look online you will find many videos, images, and the latest info graphics about all the various social media statistics regarding the best social media channels, but this does not mean we should neglect the research process.

Two business partners, conducting a research

Yes, social media is a powerful platform, where by one MUST have access in an organization, or even for personal usage, but we do not just create a Facebook account, or page for example, just because every company has or does.

 So let us say for example you are selling golf sport shirts for ladies and your target audiences are between the ages of 18 to 35(according to your research) so what can you do? Looking at that demographics, to start building brand awareness for social media?

■Create a Facebook Fan page to build your presence by sharing interesting and relevant content.
■Create a YouTube channel to highlight your products.
■Follow online discussions on various niche golf related forums.
■Creating competitions with prizes will also be a good approach.
  Remember that social media platforms have this message:

Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Framing an Organisation

Councillor's daughter loses fraudulent bursary

The Bojanala Platinum District Municipality in Rustenburg offers financial assistance to children from poor families who have excellent academic results.This year 25 students benefited from a total of R1.6-million.Among them was 28-year-old Carol Montsho, a political science student at Unisa and daughter of Nkone Montsho, a Madibeng Local Municipal councillor.According to bursary policy, children, spouses and next-of-kin of municipality employees and officials are not eligible.An investigation followed complaints by Bojanala residents to the office of Public Protector Thuli Madonsela regarding the alleged fraud.District municipality spokesman Archie Babeile yesterday said the bursary committee has cancelled the bursary and asked for the repayment of the money already paid to Unisa.(http://www.sowetanlive.co.za/news/2012/08/08/councillor-s-daughter-loses-fraudulent-bursary)
Helping poor kids is the right thing to do,but this 28 year old is neither a kid nor poor. Question is - is anybody going to get fired (or at least redeployed) . I am glad that :
  • District municipality spokesman Archie Babeile said the bursary committee has cancelled the bursary and asked for the repayment of the money already paid to Unisa.
I am sure we can get to an agreement that the decision that was taken is very relevant to the situation.How did the spokesperson framed their Organidation?

Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Landon 2012 Olympics: No mercy for bottle thrower, he deserves a slap.
Pictures:left to right
1. A bottle which was thrown behind the sprinters
  2. Ashley Gill-Webb aressted by metropolice
Ashley Gill-Webb, inside the Olympic Stadium added  drama on Sunday by lobbing a bottle towards Usain Bolt. The fan was sitting next to Dutchwoman Edith Bosch, a black belt in judo who won a bronze medal at the Games. Edith Bosch gave him a slap around the head before he was removed from the stadium and arrested by Metropolitan Police.
Ashley Gill-Webb, 34, pleaded not guilty to a public order offence when he later appeared at Stratford Magistrates' Court on Monday. A police spokesman said a man had been heard shouting abuse and was then seen throwing a bottle which landed behind the sprinters just after the starter told the runners to "set”. He was granted conditional bail and told he would face trial at Thames Magistrates' Court on September 3.[ http://za.news.yahoo.com/no-sympathy-bottle-thrower-gets-slap-055916850--spt.html]
Dutchwoman Edith Bosch, a black belt in judo who won a bronze medal at the Games slapped the man. Wouldn’t it cause her team‘s image to slap Ashley Gill-Webb, without knowing the reasons why he did it? Can we call this “taking laws into your own hands"? What will happen if the man is found not guilty and wants to sue Edith Bosch?
Edith Bosch

A police spokesman said a man had been heard shouting abuse and was then seen throwing a bottle which landed behind the sprinters. I also do not get it why if you are having or you think you have a problem with something or someone, why can’t you face them and communicate; find a better way of solving things, rather than being exposed by media? I mean obviously the man had something to express because he shouted “ABUSE!” What do we call this?